Monday, August 24, 2009

Citizen's Corner: Barney Frank's rant- the arrogance of power

Recently, Rep Barney Frank held a town hall meeting in Dartmouth, MA, his home district. During this meeting, several people came forward to criticize the Obama Plan and challenge Mr. Frank’s Support of it. Here are some clips from that event;
Having watched the video and heard the applause for his attitude throughout this meeting, the only thing I can say is that it is a sad day indeed when an elected official, so sure of his power and his job, can ridicule and attack a constituent as he did.
Regardless of what was said and regardless of whether he likes what is said, his role is servant of the people, not master. Yet, Mr. Frank, who has control of the microphone and the room, went into attack mode without regard for his position nor for the fact that while what his constituents may say may not be to his liking, it is his job to listen, not ridicule.
Yet, looking at Mr. Frank’s other you tube videos, one immediately realizes that the events in Dartmouth are not singular nor unique. Whether it be an interviewer on CNBC, a college student at Harvard, or an average joe in Dartmouth, Mr. Frank treats all as his personal servant and whipping boy. When he doesn’t like it what people ask or says, he attacks them. If they don’t back down, he walks away like a spoiled child.
What surprises me the most about the reaction to this attack on constituents by Mr. Frank is how quickly and without reservation Democrats and liberals of all shades embrace his actions and cheered him on. If I remember clearly, the mouth pieces of the left, like Mr. Olbermann and Ms. Maddow, where “shocked… totally shocked” by such behavior from Bush, Cheney, and the Republicans when they held power. Yet, now they feel that behavior was entirely appropriate and necessary when done by a Democrat. Hypocrisy is a clear sign of moral and intellectual bankruptcy regardless of party label, or perhaps they forgot that?
The more I see of the member from Massachusetts, the more he reminds me of a bully I knew in high school who had an inferiority complex to match his waistline. This man enjoys bullying people and feels no obligation to respect those with whom he disagrees. Was this the change that supposedly the nation voted for?
Every citizen should be offended by his language and attitude. We, the true sovereigns of this nation, must not forget, they work for us. Barney Frank and the other life-time members of the House and Senate need to be reminded of this fact often and consistently. The same holds for Bernie Sanders and Jim Douglas (have either ever held a real job outside of government?), Pat Leahy, Peter Welch, and Brian Dubie. It is our republic. They are our employees. We have a responsibility to hold them accountable when they slip the leash. We must call them to task when they begin to think and act like entitled rulers. Citizenship of this Republic requires nothing less.


  1. What's amazing to me is that people keep re-electing Barney Frank!

    Here's an interesting page:

    another example of his bullying, apparently unsuccessful. Though it seems he was able to get the youtube pulled!

  2. Just for kicks, I went on youtube to see Rep. Franks' response to HR 1207. I selected four different occassions where he was asked a question to the effect, do you support HR 1207? Three of the videos shows him taking over 5 Minutes! to answer the question and at the end of which, you don't know whether he does or not. The last one took 57 second and he said that "normally as chairman, he doesn't sponsor legislation, but he promised a hearing on it". Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies.
