Friday, August 6, 2010

Liberty Trivia

Q: Who is known as "The Father of Liberalism'?


A. Thomas Hobbes
B. John Locke
C. Karl Marx
D. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
E. Some other dead white guy


  1. Since liberalism now means the opposite of what it did in the late 1700's, I'd guess Thomas Jefferson - the anti-Federalist. But if I have to choose from the list I'd have to go with John Locke.

  2. I agree, from the list given, it's John Locke.

  3. It depends on if you mean classical liberalism or the modern variety. Classical liberalism - yes, John Locke. The yucky kind - maybe Woodrow Wilson is the American conduit of the Marxist philosophy.

  4. Cheers to Audrey for differentiating the "classical" vs. "yucky kind".

    Classical? I would say John Locke. For the yucky kind, can we end a cybernetic organism back in time to make sure the father is never born?

  5. I would say Jesus Christ.
