Of all tyrannies a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."- C.S. Lewis
America we have a choice before us. As August comes to a close and our congressional representatives depart their home states and return to the federal environ of Washington, D.C. we can choose to:
1. Adhere to the classical western and American ideal of sovereignty whereby the individual is master of his own destiny or
2. We can allow the federal government and its collectivist’s allies to force collectivism upon us the point of government gun.
The battle as of late whether it be in regards to the nationalization of health care, cap and trade, TARP and/or the plethora of “crises” that have been afflicted upon the American people by previous and current administrations comes down to control.
Who will control you, your family, your business, your money, your property and your choices?
We are being asked to confer our individual responsibility, our very sovereignty to the federal government and their fellow travelers who have deemed the American citizen as incapable of administering their lives.
Largely absent in the current and past debate is should we be having this debate at all? Who decided that we require the nationalization of the private sector health care apparatus? Who decided that we need to spend billions and trillions of U.S. taxpayer monies in bailing out banks and private industry? Who decided American veterans and those that hold traditional American values are to be viewed as “enemies of the state” in accordance with the much publicized DHS domestic threat report?
Congress, special interest groups, lobbyists’, community organizers, read that as Marxist front groups, have all decided that you, Mr. and Mrs. American cannot be trusted to manage yourselves. Dare to speak out, dare to protest, dare to question the regime and quite clearly you are bought and paid for by some group. The collectivist mindset cannot admit that a rational, self synchronizing individual can exert their will and act for themselves.
We have arrived at a time and place in history where clearly we have two paths before us; the road to collectivism controlled and administered by the nanny state and their various apparatchik or the road to personal responsibility, freedom to choose, and the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness (property).
One road will lead to despair, the destruction of the nation and ultimately the tyranny of the majority enforced through government force while the other will lead to individualism, freedom via personal responsibility and the continued existence of the shining light of liberty.
Which road will we chose America? Whose America will survive into the future? Will it be an America whereby the political class and the new mandarins control your destiny or will it be one where the individual, exerting himself will make manifest his own destiny?
Choose wisely.