Once there were three little pigs who lived in a magical land where everything they said was true and money just appeared out of nowhere. While in this magical land, our pigs said and did things which were not all that good for their neighbors back home. In fact, as the three pigs spent and gave away, the forest began to lose its trees, wealth, and opportunities. Yet, the pigs didn’t care. “They are so small, docile, and far away,” Said our pigs, “that they can’t hurt us or do anything to stop us.”
One day, after a long time had passed, the pigs were finally forced to leave their golden land of lobbyist money, cocktail parties, and power lunches and return to the forest from which they came. All three were frightened. They hadn’t really been back in the forest for a long time and they had heard that the forest creatures were not happy and lurked about awaiting their return. The three pigs got together to decide how they would protect themselves when they got back to the forest.
So the first little pig said to the others, “I know what to do. I will find a small out of the way place in the far north of the forest. I will only let a few people know and only a day or two before hand. That way the other creatures will not find me.” As the other two pigs watched, the first little pig acted on his plan.
But you see the forest creatures that the pigs left back at home heard about the first little pigs plan. The forest creatures chose the pigs long, long ago to represent them. They seemed so smart and could talk so well, not like most of them. But now they found that the pigs had been gone so long that they forgot their forest. Now all the pigs wanted was to stay in their new homes far away where they caroused with other pigs and practiced their piggish ways. It seemed that the forest creatures were stuck with them, though once in awhile they would return to the forest to pretend they cared about things in the old woods. These creatures had for years tried to ignore the arrogance and stupidity of the three pigs. They tried to forgive all of the waste and destruction that the pigs had created while living in that magical land. Now, however, they had enough. Their forest was almost gone. Their hard work wasted away by those living in the magical land. Their future looked dim. They were angry and frustrated at being ignored and used by the pigs. So, once they learned of the first little pigs plan, they gathered together and met the pig in his far away place.
The little pig was shocked and frightened by the other forest creatures. He was hurt that they didn’t like his wasteful ways. He was angered that they didn’t trust him. Mostly, he was afraid that they didn’t believe his lies anymore. So the first little pig ran back into hiding and would only come out of his hiding place when no one but the media was around. The pig knew that the media would never confront him or ask embarrassing questions.
The second little pig saw what had happened to the first and was immediately afraid as well. “I don’t want to meet the other creatures,” he squeak, “I will run far away until they calm down.” So the second little pig jumped on a plane and flew to the land of good television, but bad teeth and stayed there until he was sure he could avoid running into the other forest creatures in his forest across the sea.
Finally, the third little pig, having watched his two colleagues run in fear, decided on what he thought was a better idea. “I know,” he said to himself in his heavily accented way, “I will trick the people and pretend that the forest creatures love me.” So the third little pig made a call to his friends the skunks, trolls, and lemmings that he new from the different forests in the land and said, “Come to my forest with me and pretend you are from my woods. I want you to shout down and attack the other creatures while singing my praises.” The lead skunk replied, “What’s in it for us?” “I’ll provide the transportation, signs, and t-shirts.” Replied the third pig. “What else?” growled the Trolls. “ahh….Money.?” The pig said. “You got a crowd.” Replied the skunks and the trolls. “Us too… whatever it is.” said the Lemmings.
So the third little pig held public meetings in the heart of the forest. But at each meeting, the trolls, skunks and lemmings filled the halls and chanted “go pig go.” When the local forest creatures tried to express their displeasure with and at the third little pig, they were met with howls and threats. Their voices were drowned out. The media that were there seemed surprised by the number of skunks, lemmings, and trolls that lived in their forest, but never questioned where they were from. Soon, the other forest creatures gave up trying to be heard and returned to their homes.
What would they do? How would they stop the three pigs’ wasteful and dangerous ways? I guess we will have to wait and see what the little forest creatures will do. But if they don’t act together and soon, the forest will be lost.
One day, after a long time had passed, the pigs were finally forced to leave their golden land of lobbyist money, cocktail parties, and power lunches and return to the forest from which they came. All three were frightened. They hadn’t really been back in the forest for a long time and they had heard that the forest creatures were not happy and lurked about awaiting their return. The three pigs got together to decide how they would protect themselves when they got back to the forest.
So the first little pig said to the others, “I know what to do. I will find a small out of the way place in the far north of the forest. I will only let a few people know and only a day or two before hand. That way the other creatures will not find me.” As the other two pigs watched, the first little pig acted on his plan.
But you see the forest creatures that the pigs left back at home heard about the first little pigs plan. The forest creatures chose the pigs long, long ago to represent them. They seemed so smart and could talk so well, not like most of them. But now they found that the pigs had been gone so long that they forgot their forest. Now all the pigs wanted was to stay in their new homes far away where they caroused with other pigs and practiced their piggish ways. It seemed that the forest creatures were stuck with them, though once in awhile they would return to the forest to pretend they cared about things in the old woods. These creatures had for years tried to ignore the arrogance and stupidity of the three pigs. They tried to forgive all of the waste and destruction that the pigs had created while living in that magical land. Now, however, they had enough. Their forest was almost gone. Their hard work wasted away by those living in the magical land. Their future looked dim. They were angry and frustrated at being ignored and used by the pigs. So, once they learned of the first little pigs plan, they gathered together and met the pig in his far away place.
The little pig was shocked and frightened by the other forest creatures. He was hurt that they didn’t like his wasteful ways. He was angered that they didn’t trust him. Mostly, he was afraid that they didn’t believe his lies anymore. So the first little pig ran back into hiding and would only come out of his hiding place when no one but the media was around. The pig knew that the media would never confront him or ask embarrassing questions.
The second little pig saw what had happened to the first and was immediately afraid as well. “I don’t want to meet the other creatures,” he squeak, “I will run far away until they calm down.” So the second little pig jumped on a plane and flew to the land of good television, but bad teeth and stayed there until he was sure he could avoid running into the other forest creatures in his forest across the sea.
Finally, the third little pig, having watched his two colleagues run in fear, decided on what he thought was a better idea. “I know,” he said to himself in his heavily accented way, “I will trick the people and pretend that the forest creatures love me.” So the third little pig made a call to his friends the skunks, trolls, and lemmings that he new from the different forests in the land and said, “Come to my forest with me and pretend you are from my woods. I want you to shout down and attack the other creatures while singing my praises.” The lead skunk replied, “What’s in it for us?” “I’ll provide the transportation, signs, and t-shirts.” Replied the third pig. “What else?” growled the Trolls. “ahh….Money.?” The pig said. “You got a crowd.” Replied the skunks and the trolls. “Us too… whatever it is.” said the Lemmings.
So the third little pig held public meetings in the heart of the forest. But at each meeting, the trolls, skunks and lemmings filled the halls and chanted “go pig go.” When the local forest creatures tried to express their displeasure with and at the third little pig, they were met with howls and threats. Their voices were drowned out. The media that were there seemed surprised by the number of skunks, lemmings, and trolls that lived in their forest, but never questioned where they were from. Soon, the other forest creatures gave up trying to be heard and returned to their homes.
What would they do? How would they stop the three pigs’ wasteful and dangerous ways? I guess we will have to wait and see what the little forest creatures will do. But if they don’t act together and soon, the forest will be lost.
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