Gentlemen and Gentlewomen:
I have heard your arguments, warnings, and claims, ad nauseum, regarding why we should have governmental intrusion into health care. You refuse to listen to your constituents, like myself, and continue on in your disobediant ways. Since, you seem more than willing to disregard the voices of millions of Americans, I have been forced to call upon one of the great minds of 20th Century America who will make our position clear and hopefully he will be able to break through to you.
I give you Mr. Groucho Marx's:
Now hopefully all is clear. NO! means NO!
I have heard your arguments, warnings, and claims, ad nauseum, regarding why we should have governmental intrusion into health care. You refuse to listen to your constituents, like myself, and continue on in your disobediant ways. Since, you seem more than willing to disregard the voices of millions of Americans, I have been forced to call upon one of the great minds of 20th Century America who will make our position clear and hopefully he will be able to break through to you.
I give you Mr. Groucho Marx's:
Now hopefully all is clear. NO! means NO!
I don't know if you're going to change these Three Stooge's minds. Probably best to just dump 'em and start from scratch: