Monday, June 28, 2010

Porc Fest Blog Day Seven/Eight

This is the final blog entry relative to the Porc Fest for this year. I am writing this from the comfort of my own home.

Day seven allowed us to sleep in a little, but by 9 am we were out and about visiting vendors, chatting with other campers, and catching more seminars including an up date about Line Plot Productions' Silver Circle Movie. I then posed for imaging photos which may be used in the movie for crowd scenes. Glyn Wilkinson, who came to the Porc Fest that day, also posed for the imaging photo. So we both have a real chance of actually appearing in the movie "Silver Circle." I also spoke with another producer who is working up a liberty oriented horror film called "Chartarum". He even showed me a clip from the film, and it didn't look bad.

Later that evening, Maria and I set out to our campsite to set up for the evening movie, V for Vendetta. We weren't sure how many people would show. Upon arrival, we found a family had already settled into the theater. Within fifteen minutes of our arrival, the tent was full. We therefore started the film. Before the movie got into full swing, still more arrived and we had to open the tent up and use the canopy for seating. A rough head count showed that at least 17 people had crammed themselves into our tent. Surprisingly and despite the cramped quarters, the tent remained silent throughout the film and the end of the movie was greated with applause and thank yous.

The next morning, as we tore down the pavilion, several people came up to express interest in what we did and congratulated us on the decorations and the idea. Once the tent came down and everything was put away, we went down to the picnic tent and sat in on the closing ceremonies. A friend of mine called me over at one point and introduced me to former Gov. Johnson who struck me as a down to earth and reasonable man.

What has become clear to me after this experience is that we here in Vermont should try to tap into the experience, energy, and society of the Free State Project. They have a lot of real world experience to offer. In return, several of the FSP/New Hampshire Liberty Alliance Leadership I spoke to seemed very interested in working with us.

Overall, this weekend was a reaffirmation to me that liberty is not only popular, but it also can work in a real world. The four days of Porc Fest is a clear indication of this.

Also, as an FYI, the Porcupine Fest for next year has already been scheduled for June 23 through the 26th at Roger's Campground. You should make your reservations early as sites have already been reserved.

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