Sometimes I fantasize about what I wish George W. Bush had said and done following the 9/11 attacks. My alternative version goes something like this:
My Fellow Americans;
My heart goes out to the victims of yesterday’s horrific attack at the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington D.C. It swells with deep admiration and gratitude for the courage and determination of the passengers of Flight 93, whose heroism defies description. It also mourns the death of the innocence of the American people, whose security and confidence have been so severely shaken.
I have spent the night in solemn prayer on behalf of the victims and their families, whose shock and anger I share and whose grief I can only begin to comprehend. Please know that the American people stand - and kneel –in complete sympathy and solidarity with you. This attack on Americans on American soil will not go unanswered and we promise your loved ones have not died in vain.
Over the past twenty-four hours I have consulted my foreign policy team as well as my own understanding of this event and my feelings about it. I have spent much time in deep reflection about what this tragedy means to the United States today and her many tomorrows. I humbly acknowledge that how we respond to this attack will have serious consequences for our nation and the world. Because of the gravity of this situation, and its potential to influence American policy for many years to come, I will use the utmost care in my response.
There is a temptation in such circumstances to respond in kind, quickly and fiercely. A people in as much pain as the American people naturally desire the satisfaction of striking back and exacting revenge. Yet we must think as well as feel if we are to truly avenge this despicable act. Though the deaths of three thousand innocent Americans cries out for vengeance, we must be sure that our response ultimately makes us stronger as a nation and ensures the continuation of our role as a leader in the cause of human liberty.
With that being said I would like to announce at this time the withdrawal of all foreign monetary aid to nations that do now or have in the past harbored or supported terrorists such as those ones behind yesterday’s attack and many other attacks against American citizens and service men and women over the past three decades. We are beginning to comprehend this killing of military personnel, as well as innocents, has been sanctioned, even ordered, by the leaders of these terrorist organizations. Men such as Osama Bin Laden, in fact, claim the murder of American citizens is a religious duty. As recently as May of this year Bin Laden said “Allah ordered us in this religion to purify Muslim land of all non-believers.” It is insulting to the American people that their tax dollars may help prop up the very people who want to kill them. Therefore, we will honor Mr. Bin Laden’s desire that the United States stop meddling in the Islamic world by stopping all non-trade related financial interference in that region.
As for a military response, let me say now that we will not be provoked into a response that will ultimately hurt the United States more than the enemy. I have too much respect for the men and women who wear the uniform of the United States to use them thoughtlessly and recklessly and so I promise you any future military action we might take will be carefully planned and then swiftly and effectively executed. The full wrath of the United States is an awesome and terrible thing and we will do all we can to make sure it is demonstrated against our true enemies.
At the same time, it has been said that war is the health of the state so we hope to resolve this situation decisively and then return to a secure and certain peace as quickly as possible. I would like to also assure the American people that the United States’ government will not use this event as an excuse to grow and take more power unto itself. Past wars have provided despotic leaders the opportunities to infringe upon and restrict civil liberties – I make a firm commitment to you now that this will not happen. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus said “The best way of avenging thyself is not to become like the wrong-doer” and I pledge that the document which has made America a great and open society, the Constitution, will not be sacrificed to this cause.
I thank you, my fellow Americans, for your examples of courage and compassion, for your prayers on my behalf and your willingness to stand together as a nation. May we always remember and display the unity and love of country we feel today. God bless you. And God bless America.
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